Monday, July 25, 2016

Bottling Time!

We have officially started bottling our wine!  We do not have any that is ready for purchase currently, but we will have some very soon.  The first tank that we started bottling was our Diamond batch.  This will be the driest white we will offer and we are very happy with the way that it turned out!

I present to your our first official bottle!

Lots of pallets of bottles fill our warehouse currently...

Our small (but efficient!) bottling station...

They are almost ready to go!

I love the way the corks turned out...

Up close and personal pictures of the corks!

Stay tuned for more posts soon about our labels, bottling process, and more..

As always, Thank You for your interest in Timber Hill Winery!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

JalapeƱo Wine in the Making!

This past weekend we purchased 200 lbs of Jalapenos.  We have made a delicious wine out of Jalapenos before and we are hoping to recreate that recipe again.  In fact our Jalapeno wine recipe just received 3rd in the Wisconsin State Fair Amateur Wine Competition.  The Jalapeno wine is great to sip by itself if you can handle the heat, but if you can't it is still great to mix with things.  So far we have tried it in Margaritas, Bloody Mary's, and in cooking!  It adds a nice kick to things without being too overpowering.  Here are some pictures from our Jalapeno wine making this past weekend.

We had 5 boxes of 40lbs delivered!

Every Jalapeno was rinsed and then destemmed before going in.

After the Jalapenos were pureed they were added to the container.  

We even had a friend visit and get a tour of the winery!  It's always fun sharing the production process with fellow wine lovers!

Making Jalapeno wine is a labor of love.  By the end of the day our hands were tingling and our noses were burnt, but we know it is all worth it in the end because this stuff is delicious!

And now we have the proof....

Thank you for your interest in Timber Hill Winery and stay tuned for more updates!

Monday, May 2, 2016

A Weekend in the Winery!

We have been working away in the winery racking and filtering the wine.  All the tanks are coming along very nicely and I know we are going to have some great wines ready this summer!  Here are a few pictures and videos from our weekends working in the winery.

Crystals and sediment that form during fermentation of red wine.  This is why we "rack" it into a new tank to separate it from all this stuff!

Racking white wine into a new tank.

Sediment from the yeast during the fermentation that has settled to the bottom of the tank.

Racking a red wine into a new tank.

Wine being poured into a new tank after filtration.

Filtering the wine is important for the clarity and does not result in a loss of quality.

Time lapse video of the sediment being rinsed from the tank.

Thank you for your interest in Timber Hill Winery and stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

We're Official!

We're Official!

It has been a very exciting December at Timber Hill Winery.  We have finally received all our permits and licenses and now we are official!  It was a long road to get here as the federal application took over 6 months! Thankfully the people at the state level responded promptly and we were able to move forward with all the state requirements in less than a month. However, we did not waste any time and on Monday the first shipment of juice arrived! We are starting out small, but still a lot larger then the small home operation we have done for 5 years. This year we are starting with around 1,500 gallons.  We are making only Northern varieties along with a few fruit wines. 

Here are a few pictures from the juice delivery day:

The juice was delivered in 60 gallon barrels.

We lined them up by the tanks they were going into.

All ready to go!

Then we pumped the wine from the barrels into our tanks.

Looking good!

We tested the sugar levels to determine potential alcohol.

There may have been some spills.

Overall it was a great day, our tanks are full, and now the wine is fermenting away!

I look forward to updating you throughout our wine making process.  Thank you for your interest in Timber Hill Winery and Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New Location!

Timber Hill Winery will be located at 1223 E Storrs Lake Rd. in Milton, WI!  We will hopefully begin wine production this fall.